I am privileged, as a Psychologist and MFT in private practice, to witness and to participate in the lives of my clients at a deep level. As we work together to articulate the problem and work toward resolution, I am honoured to learn and grow along with my clients. We are together in this thing called ‘human life’.
This perspective allows me to generate new ideas and to reflect on old ones. My hope is that some of the reflections here will be useful to you.
Considering Valentine’s Day: Honouring and Celebrating Love
As we consider Valentine’s Day this year, perhaps it is a good time to think about love and relationships in general and not just our current relationship. In our culture it seems we are often tempted to think of relationships that were ended by choice, sometime in the past, as having somehow failed because they […]
Is January Really Divorce Month?
Some say that January is Divorce Month – but is this really true? Like many things, it all depends on how you look at it. Professionals who offer services related to divorce such as family law lawyers, psychologists, marriage & family therapists and other therapeutic professionals, and those offering financial services related to separation and […]
Top 10 Ways to Stay Out of Court ©
Remember that as you go through the process of separation and divorce, you are writing the story of your children’s parents’ divorce.
High Net Worth Divorce
In general we think of having good financial resources as a strength for a family. Unfortunately, in the area of separation and divorce, these assets can be a liability.
The Child Specialist in Collaborative Separation and Divorce
As the legal community moves from traditional law into the ‘therapeutic territory’ of collaborative processes, the treatment of children’s issues can also move in a therapeutic direction.
The 3-Way Counselling Model for Separating Families in Conflict
The 3 way coaching team is part of Collaborative Divorce, an approach developed for assisting families through separation and divorce without engaging in court based litigation.
Adult Needs Through Separation and Divorce
Part of what makes separation and divorce so difficult to discuss is that there are many different experiences.
Lawyers and Therapists Working Together in Inter-Discliplinary Collaborative Family Law
Collaborative Family Law represents a massive paradigm shift for family lawyers from adversarial to collaborative processes.
The Inner Life of a Collaborative Practice (CP) Practice Group
What are the basic elements of a CP practice group? Well, it is us, of course; the individuals from law, psychology, finance and other professions that make up the Collaborative Practice community.
The Integral Approach
I have found A Theory of Everything (also known as the Integral Approach) very useful in helping me sort through my experiences as a participant in the Collaborative Practice movement.
Children’s Needs Through Parental Separation and Divorce
Over the past 30 plus years, researchers have extensively studied the risks to children before, during and after parental separation.